Fulham’s property market has emerged, re-energised and in a much stronger position than it was the previous year. Buyers are on a booking (for viewings) spree, offers are pouring in and deals are getting done and dusted across the line, making the Fulham property Market Hot.
However, it’s imperative to keep up the preparations of your property before any viewings to bring the optimal possibility of a successful sale. Expert estate agents in Fulham will not only book the best viewings for you but also provide a thoroughly exhilarating and smooth customer experience. Contact us to have a chat.
With little effort and time, you can make your house attractive to a potential buyer, you don’t have to splurge on a makeover to do that, just an objective eye, and elevate your property like a commodity for sale, sans any emotional bindings.
Let’s look at some tips on how to achieve this appeal;
A good 1st impression
Before a buyer even enters your home, he would have formed an opinion about it, just by having a look at the façade. You may have a stunning house from inside, but if the outside is mediocre, it can hamper the sale.
Deep cleaning
Clean your property from top to bottom, inside and out.
Keep it that way till the sale is done.
Although, you can clean everything by yourself, but if your carpets and curtains get a clean-up by professionals, it can add a world of difference.
A deep clean of the house might probably be the hardest chore you have had to do before it is sold, but the cleaner the house, the better impression it gives to the buyer.
A house which is standing ahead & beyond its competition, has better chances of quick sale and generating more interest.
If you desire to make sound and professional decisions, you will have to start viewing your property as commodity or product. Don’t lose your focus in your emotional ties with the house that can distort your judgements, causing the sale process to be a slow and lengthy one.
Instead focus on the new memories and life that you are going to build when you shift.
Caution: You may find de-cluttering tough initially.
However, continue with your efforts as the result would be more cash in your bank and lesser stress in the sale process. Donate what you cannot bring yourself to throw, but don’t hold back, just get rid of the clutter.
If you feel your cupboards and storage boxes are bursting at the seams, you can also rent out personal self-storage units.
Buyers will investigate your storage areas, and guess what, if there is not enough storage space for you, there won’t be any for them either. Don’t let this issue come between the sale, be diligent storages should only be 75% full. Manage your clutter well
Remove the Personal Touch
Visual Picture is an important tool for selling a house. A show home by builders work so effectively because a buyer can picture himself living in that house.
It is a compelling strategy and a successful one too. When a buyer visualises your house as theirs, they can easily see themselves living there, selling a house becomes easier.
A house full of personal pictures and memorabilia will not let the buyer have that picture.
Remove your personal artifacts- like Family photos, holiday mementos, medals, and trophies into storage.
Pick neutral tones
Colour is something personal to all of us. No two people would have the same colour choices. Do not let this slight difference effect sale of your house. Remove this contradiction and paint your walls in neutral and bland tones.
This will make your rooms look bigger and brighter – a major selling point of a house.
A Pro Tip: A blank canvas always fills a buyer to visualise, it with his favourite colour palette, this enables positive visions in the buyer’s mind.
Remove odours
Light a scented candle, and use fresh flowers, diffusers, or single scents to create a delicate fragrance permeating your home. Take some good deodorising tips from the internet. Scents of oranges, cinnamon, jasmine, and vanilla are some of the smells that are appealing to everyone.
Final thoughts
Always have a look at your competition’s property. Just spend enough money to make your house look reasonable and good. Instead of concentrating on s few rooms, ensure your whole house looks well-maintained and shiny.