Digital technology can amplify symptoms of anxiety in children and teens. Recent reports indicate that children between the ages of eight and 10 average six hours of daily screen time, a trend that peaks at nine hours between ages 11 and 14. While limiting screen time is recommended to promote emotional, mental and physical wellness, here are a few other suggestions for managing symptoms of anxiety related to online experiences and technology use.
Educate On Online Safety
Children need age-appropriate information about how to stay safe online. Some of the most important lessons involve the risks of cyberbullying, encountering predators online and being exposed to inappropriate content.
Nearly 40% of young internet users experience cyberbullying, which is a common cause of anxiety. You should be aware of this risk and encourage children and teens to share their feelings about online interactions. You should also discuss the boundaries of appropriate online interactions with your child.
Warn children about explicit and violent content online. You can also set up content filters and firewalls using the safety settings built into many devices and applications or use specialized safety platforms. Adults should also install and update antivirus software on all devices or remind teens to keep their systems secure.
Create A Support Online Environment
Your child can meet people around the world online, but real-life connections may also use social platforms. Work with your child to build an online network that includes people they actually know, such as friends and parents. These individuals can help to monitor your child’s posts and public interactions for any signs of danger.
If the time your child spends online increases their level of anxiety, it can be worthwhile to limit screen time or discourage the use of triggering platforms. Lifestyle changes can also frame online interactions in a larger context. Consider spending time together outdoors or registering your child for in-person group activities.
Children who struggle with symptoms of conditions such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder or anxiety could benefit from trying the best ADHD medication for child with anxiety. A holistic, non-stimulant treatment can address symptoms of both conditions, promote focus and help your child cope with impulsivity and stress.
Try Mental Wellness Apps
In addition to trying natural anxiety relief for kids, it can be worthwhile to offer constructive alternatives to toxic online spaces. There are a growing number of apps designed to promote emotional intelligence and mental wellness for users of all ages.
Some of the best mental wellness apps for kids can help to explain emotions, encourage them to express their worries, teach basic meditation skills or provide soothing content to promote relaxation. If your child enjoys using technology, these apps can be good solutions for reducing anxiety in teens and children.
Providing your child with resources to stay safe online can make screen time less anxiety provoking. Many child development specialists recommend limiting recreational screen time. Maintaining clear lines of communication and making a few lifestyle changes with regard to technology can be helpful for managing symptoms of anxiety in children.